Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

story palace surakarta

Keraton Surakarta SultanateKasunanan Palace also called Surakarta Sultanate Palace, built in 1745 by King Pakubuwono II. This is the subject of Surakarta, and was built at the same time the city is found. The city was decorated with marble statues, reliefs and ancient stone frame. Inside the castle or palace, can be found a charming art galleries and museums with royal heirlooms charming, where the train and driver-coachman, ancient weapons and the dagger, as well as antiques. In the courtyard dominated by a tower called Stage Sanggabuwono, a mysterious tower where the King met with the ruler Kanjeng Queen of South South Sea. There is nowhere else in Indonesia can be found a monument full of dignity and peace, to tradition, art and culture of classical Javanese royal.
Architectural splendor
Keraton (Palace) Surakarta is one of the buildings of the exotic in his day. One architect of this palace is Mangkubumi Prince (later the title of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I) which is also the main architect of Sultan Palace.
It is therefore not surprising that the basic spatial pattern of the two palaces (the Yogyakarta and Surakarta) have many common similarities. Keraton Surakarta as can be witnessed today was not built simultaneously in 1744-45, but was built in stages by maintaining the basic spatial patterns that remain the same as initially.
Development and large-scale restoration carried out by His Majesty last Pakubuwono X (Sunan PB X) that reigned from 1893 to 1939. Most of the palace are shades of white and blue with a mixture of Javanese-style arsitekrur Europe. In general, the division of the palace include: Complex Square Lor / North, Sasana Sumewa Complex, Complex Sitihinggil Lor / Northern Complex Kamandungan Lor / North, Sri Manganti Complex, Complex Kedhaton, Kamagangan Complex, Complex Srimanganti South / South and South Kemandungan / South and Complex Sitihinggil Square South and the South.
This palace complex is also surrounded by baluwarti, a defensive wall with a height of about three to five feet thick and about one meter without the pavilion. These walls enclose an area with a rectangular shape. The area is width of about five hundred yards long and about seven hundred yards. Palace complexes in the walls is from Kemandungan Lor / Kemandungan North to the South / South. Both complexes Sitihinggil and square is not surrounded by defensive walls.

HISTORY Surakarta Sultanate Palace
Surakarta Palace is a heritage of Javanese culture. His form the physical form of the Palace buildings, objects artefacts, art and culture, and customs procedures for the Palace. Existence today is the result of the long journey, and a terminal end of the road culture of Surakarta Palace.
Effort to understand its present state can not be separated from efforts to learn the origin and existence in the past. For a description of a piece of the story and history of an event gives meaning less meaningful, if not associated with the process and other events. Therefore, the events that occurred in the same one path will provide a thorough and complete understanding of the same situation today.
In a study of the history of Surakarta Palace will be traced and described the background and the process of finding the location of the Palace, its transportation, construction and development both in terms of building physical and nonphysical aspects. Historical descriptions based on the source of informants, the documents of literature and so are expected to provide a more in-depth knowledge about the palaces of Surakarta. From this knowledge of people / society will grow awareness of the cultural heritage and have a certain perception of that object.
Initial perceptions can be formed from the results of this historical study of Surakarta Palace, in turn, could lead to appeal, motivate people / citizens both domestic and foreign tourists to know more and in-depth about aspects of the cultural heritage of the Surakarta Palace.
Understanding the Palace
Previously should be clarified as meaning the Palace. According KRHT Wirodiningrat (Wilopo Sasono Office), there are seven terms (saptawedha) covered by the terms of the Palace.
* First, the Palace (Palace) means kingdom.* Second, the mean power of the king's palace compound which contains two aspects: state (Staatsrechtelijk) and magischreligieus.* Third, the Palace is the embodiment "of Revelation nurbuwat" and therefore become pepunden in Kajawen.* Fourth, the Palace is the palace, kedaton "Dhatulaya" (house).* Fifth, the building forms a unique and distinctive palace compound containing a high symbolic meaning, which describes the journey the soul towards perfection.* Sixth, the Palace as Cultuur historische instelling (institute of cultural history) is the source and transmitter of culture.* Seventh, the palace compound Agency (juridische instellingen), meaning that the Palace has the items of property or territory (bezittingen) as a dynasty.