Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Monas Jakarta history

Monument or National Monument is an icon of the city. Located in downtown Jakarta, a tourist and educational center that appeals to residents of Jakarta and surrounding areas. Monument was established in 1959 and inaugurated two years later in 1961.
Monas is always crowded with tourists to see the beauty of the city from the top of the monument, adding insight into the history of Indonesia in the diorama room or enjoy the fresh urban forest area of ​​approximately 80 acres in downtown Jakarta.Setiap holiday, Monas is always visited by many tourists. Here you can enjoy many types of tours and educational materials. You can climb the towering monument to the top of Monas.
You can also exercise with friends and family. You can also enjoy the beautiful garden with many trees are lush and beautiful. Or you can enjoy the exciting entertainment fountain.History MonumentMonument was built in August 1959. The entire building was designed by the architects Monas Indonesia ie Soedarsono, Frederich Silaban and Ir. Rooseno. On August 17, 1961, the monument was inaugurated by President Soekarno. And opened to the public since July 12, 1975.
While the urban forest park area around the monument formerly known as Field Gambir. Then had changed its name several times into the Field Ikada, Merdeka Square, National Monument Square and then into Monument Park.Size and Content Monas132-meter-high monument was built and shaped yoni phallus. The entire building is covered by marble.
Size Monas


At the top there is a cup on which there were flames from bronze height 17 meters and a diameter of 6 meters with a weight of 14.5 tons. Flame is coated gold weighing 45 kg. Flame monument consists of 77 sections joined together.

Court of the Peak
Court of the peak breadth of 11x11 m. To reach the court of the peak, visitors can use the elevator with a long trip about 3 minutes. Around the elevator there is an emergency staircase. From the top of Monas courtyard, visitors can see the buildings of skyscrapers in the city. Even if the clear weather, visitors can see Mount Salak in West Java and the Java Sea with the Thousand Islands.

Under the court of
Under the court of the extent of 45x45 m. Height of the Monument to the court of the basis under which was 17 meters. In this section visitors can see Monument Park, which is a beautiful urban forest.

History of National Struggle Museum
At the bottom of the monument there is a wide room of the National Museum. Height of 8 meters. This museum displays the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation. Extent of this museum is 80x80 m. On the fourth side of the museum there are 12 dioramas (window display) that displays the history of Indonesia from the time of kingdoms ancestors Nation Indonesia until G30S PKI.
Also planned for display flag heritage and the proclamation of the original manuscript in the building Monas. Here also shown plans of the city.Monument ParkReflexology Massage in MonumentYou also can relieve your boredom by enjoying Monument Park, an urban forest that is designed with a beautiful garden.
In this park you can play along with a herd of deer which accidentally imported from the Bogor Palace to enliven the park. You also can work out in the garden with friends and family.
Monas park also features a dancing fountain. Dancing fountain show is very interesting to watch at night. The fountain will move in accordance with the canting beautiful strains of the song being played. There was also a colorful laser show at this fountain.
For those of you who want to maintain health, besides working out in Monument Park, you can do reflexology for free. In the park is provided by the stones sharp enough for your foot while a massage reflection. In this park also provided some futsal and basketball court that can use anyone.
If you are tired of walking in a park of 80 hectares, you can use a tourist train. The park is free to visit anyone for free and open to the public.Monument TourTo visit the monument, there are many types of transportation that you can use. If you train users, you can use the KRL Handsome types express a stop at Gambir station. You can also use Trans Jakarta Bus transportation facilities. If you use a private vehicle, provided special parking IRTI field, or you can park your vehicle at Gambir Station.
To be able to get into the building monument, you can through the entrance around the statue of Prince Diponegoro. Then you will go through the underground passage to enter the monument. You can through the entrance in the courtyard of the northern part of Monas. Opening hours are 9.00 am Monas up at 16.00 pm.
Monument may be one of your choice to travel with family and a place to educate children to know more about the history of Indonesia. You too can enjoy the fresh air from the shade of the trees in Monument. And do not forget to maintain the cleanliness of Monument Park to keep it beautiful to be enjoyed by anyone.

history of Islam in Indonesia

In the year 30 Hijri or 651 AD, only about 20 years later than the death of the Prophet, the Caliph Uthman ibn Affan RA sends delegation to China to introduce the Islamic State that has not been long standing. In a journey which took four years, the delegates turned out to Uthman had stopped in the archipelago. A few years later, in the year 674 AD, the Umayyad dynasty had established trading bases in the west coast of Sumatra. This is the first introduction to the Islamic population of Indonesia. Since then the sailors and Muslim merchants continued to arrive, century after century. They buy produce from the land is green nan while preaching.
Gradually the natives began to embrace Islam even though not massively. Aceh, the westernmost region of the archipelago, is the first completely accept the religion of Islam. Even in Acehlah first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia was established, namely Pasai. News from Marco Polo mentions that during his sojourn in Pasai in 692 AH / 1292 AD, has a lot of Arabs who spread Islam. Similarly, news of Ibn Battuthah, Muslim nomads from the Maghreb. Who, when stopped in Aceh in 746 AH / 1345 AD writes that in Aceh have been scattered Shafi. The oldest relic of Muslims who are found in Indonesia located in Gresik, East Java. Tomb complex form of Islam, which one of them is the tomb of a Muslim woman named Fatima bint Maimun. Numbers written on his tomb in 475 AH / 1082 AD, ie in the era of the Kingdom Singasari. It is estimated that these tombs rather than natives, but the tomb of Arab traders.
Up to the 8th century AH / AD 14, there has been no indigenous population pengislaman massive archipelago. Only in the 9th century H / 14 AD, the indigenous population to embrace Islam en masse. The historians argue that Islam entered the archipelago population on a large scale in the century was caused when the Muslims already have a meaningful political force. That is characterized by the establishment of several royal-style Islamic kingdom of Aceh Darussalam as, Malacca, Demak, Cirebon, and Ternate. The rulers of the kingdoms of this mixed-blood descendants of the kings of the indigenous pre-Islamic and Arab immigrants. The rapid Islamization in the 14th century and 15 M, among others, also caused by the decline of power and influence of the kingdoms of the Hindu / Buddhist in the archipelago such as the Majapahit, Srivijaya and Sundanese. Thomas Arnold in The Preaching of Islam says that the arrival of Islam is not as conquerors as well as the Portuguese and Spanish. Islam came to Southeast Asia by peaceful means, not by the sword, not to seize political power. Islam entered the archipelago in a way that really show it as rahmatan lil'alamin.
With conversion to Islam and the establishment of indigenous Nusantara Islamic governments in various regions of the archipelago, the trade with the Muslims from the center of the Islamic world are becoming increasingly tighter. Arabs who migrated to the archipelago are also more and more. The largest of which is derived from Hadramaut, Yemen. In Tarikh Hadramaut, migration is even said to be the largest in the history of the Hadramawt. But after the nations of Christian Europe came and secured the area with the greed-by areas in the archipelago, the Islamic world's relations with the center as if disconnected. Especially in the 17th and 18th centuries AD. The reason, apart from being occupied by the Muslim archipelago of resistance against colonialism, as well as various regulations created by the colonialists. Each time the colonists - mainly Dutch - subjecting the Islamic kingdom in the archipelago, they would thrust the agreement which forbade the kingdom is related trade with the outside world except through them. Then disconnect the Islamic Ummah with the Islamic Ummah archipelago of other nations who had established hundreds of years. The colonialist desire to alienate Muslims archipelago with its roots, is also seen from their policies that make blending between the indigenous Arabs.
Since the early arrival of Europeans in the late 15th century AD to the fertile islands of this prosperous, had been seen to dominate their greedy nature. Moreover, they found the fact that the islanders have embraced Islam, the religion of their enemies, so that the spirit of the Crusades was always carried around every time they beat an area. In the fight against Islam they cooperate with the indigenous kingdoms are still adhered to Hindu / Buddhist. One example, to decide the shipping lanes of the Muslims, then having seized Malacca in 1511, the Portuguese cooperation with the Kingdom of Sunda Pajajaran to build a base in Sunda Kelapa. But the purpose of this Portuguese failed miserably after the combined forces of Islam along the north coast of Java in hand to demolish them in 1527 AD Of this historic battle led by an Arab-blooded son of Aceh Gujarat, namely Al-Pasai Overdust Khan, better known by his title, Fathahillah. Before becoming an important person in the three Muslim kingdoms of Java, namely Demak, Cirebon and Banten, Fathahillah had studied in Mecca. Even to defend Mecca from the advancing Ottoman Turks.
The arrival of the colonialists on the one side has awakened the spirit of jihad of the Muslims archipelago, but on the other hand makes the deepening of belief in Islam is uneven. Only the pesantren (Islamic schools) are steeped in Islam, and even then are usually limited to the Shafi. While in the Muslim majority, there was mixing faith with pre-Islamic traditions. Prijajis close to the Dutch had even infected the European lifestyle. Conditions like this still happen at least until now. Apart from this, the scholars of the archipelago are the people who are adamantly opposed to the occupation. Although many of them come from the congregation, but instead among the congregations that often rose up against the invaders. And although in the end of each resistance was crushed with a sneaky tactics, but history has recorded millions of martyrs who died in the archipelago various battles against the Dutch. Since the resistance of Islamic kingdoms in the 16th and 17th centuries such as Malacca (Malaysia), Sulu (Philippines), Pasai, Banten, Sunda Kelapa, Makassar, Ternate, until the resistance of the scholars in the 18th century such as the War of Cirebon (Good raryin), the Java War (Diponegoro), Padri War (Imam Bonjol), and the Aceh War (Teuku Umar).

story palace surakarta

Keraton Surakarta SultanateKasunanan Palace also called Surakarta Sultanate Palace, built in 1745 by King Pakubuwono II. This is the subject of Surakarta, and was built at the same time the city is found. The city was decorated with marble statues, reliefs and ancient stone frame. Inside the castle or palace, can be found a charming art galleries and museums with royal heirlooms charming, where the train and driver-coachman, ancient weapons and the dagger, as well as antiques. In the courtyard dominated by a tower called Stage Sanggabuwono, a mysterious tower where the King met with the ruler Kanjeng Queen of South South Sea. There is nowhere else in Indonesia can be found a monument full of dignity and peace, to tradition, art and culture of classical Javanese royal.
Architectural splendor
Keraton (Palace) Surakarta is one of the buildings of the exotic in his day. One architect of this palace is Mangkubumi Prince (later the title of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I) which is also the main architect of Sultan Palace.
It is therefore not surprising that the basic spatial pattern of the two palaces (the Yogyakarta and Surakarta) have many common similarities. Keraton Surakarta as can be witnessed today was not built simultaneously in 1744-45, but was built in stages by maintaining the basic spatial patterns that remain the same as initially.
Development and large-scale restoration carried out by His Majesty last Pakubuwono X (Sunan PB X) that reigned from 1893 to 1939. Most of the palace are shades of white and blue with a mixture of Javanese-style arsitekrur Europe. In general, the division of the palace include: Complex Square Lor / North, Sasana Sumewa Complex, Complex Sitihinggil Lor / Northern Complex Kamandungan Lor / North, Sri Manganti Complex, Complex Kedhaton, Kamagangan Complex, Complex Srimanganti South / South and South Kemandungan / South and Complex Sitihinggil Square South and the South.
This palace complex is also surrounded by baluwarti, a defensive wall with a height of about three to five feet thick and about one meter without the pavilion. These walls enclose an area with a rectangular shape. The area is width of about five hundred yards long and about seven hundred yards. Palace complexes in the walls is from Kemandungan Lor / Kemandungan North to the South / South. Both complexes Sitihinggil and square is not surrounded by defensive walls.

HISTORY Surakarta Sultanate Palace
Surakarta Palace is a heritage of Javanese culture. His form the physical form of the Palace buildings, objects artefacts, art and culture, and customs procedures for the Palace. Existence today is the result of the long journey, and a terminal end of the road culture of Surakarta Palace.
Effort to understand its present state can not be separated from efforts to learn the origin and existence in the past. For a description of a piece of the story and history of an event gives meaning less meaningful, if not associated with the process and other events. Therefore, the events that occurred in the same one path will provide a thorough and complete understanding of the same situation today.
In a study of the history of Surakarta Palace will be traced and described the background and the process of finding the location of the Palace, its transportation, construction and development both in terms of building physical and nonphysical aspects. Historical descriptions based on the source of informants, the documents of literature and so are expected to provide a more in-depth knowledge about the palaces of Surakarta. From this knowledge of people / society will grow awareness of the cultural heritage and have a certain perception of that object.
Initial perceptions can be formed from the results of this historical study of Surakarta Palace, in turn, could lead to appeal, motivate people / citizens both domestic and foreign tourists to know more and in-depth about aspects of the cultural heritage of the Surakarta Palace.
Understanding the Palace
Previously should be clarified as meaning the Palace. According KRHT Wirodiningrat (Wilopo Sasono Office), there are seven terms (saptawedha) covered by the terms of the Palace.
* First, the Palace (Palace) means kingdom.* Second, the mean power of the king's palace compound which contains two aspects: state (Staatsrechtelijk) and magischreligieus.* Third, the Palace is the embodiment "of Revelation nurbuwat" and therefore become pepunden in Kajawen.* Fourth, the Palace is the palace, kedaton "Dhatulaya" (house).* Fifth, the building forms a unique and distinctive palace compound containing a high symbolic meaning, which describes the journey the soul towards perfection.* Sixth, the Palace as Cultuur historische instelling (institute of cultural history) is the source and transmitter of culture.* Seventh, the palace compound Agency (juridische instellingen), meaning that the Palace has the items of property or territory (bezittingen) as a dynasty.